4 February 2012

Mumbo Jumbo

I honestly thought writing a blog would be easy. You know - write, post, publish. I'm so lost on all the options it takes me up to an hour to finally click 'Publish' and that doesn't include the drafting/edit/photos. Still not sure what Google+ is so I'm going to ignore it for now until I am much more efficient with Blogger. In the end, I had to make a list of what I needed to learn about blogger and blogging.

If you don't know about list makers, click here:

The Number 1 reason I became a list maker was due to a personal health crisis. In October 2008 during a family reunion I suffered from a Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA). Things in my life had been building up to that point - I hated my job, work/family balance, a family reunion filled with hypocrites, a family reunion packed in like a can of sardines! At the time of the attack I remember I just wanted quiet. So many people in a small space was the worst idea of the organisers. I also remember, I couldn't hear my own thoughts. Everything was mumbo jumbo in there.

After I recovered I started making lists. Since then I have never been without pen and paper. I've found tonnes of list making software online but handwriting has always been a personal pleasure, kind of like 'Me Time'. I still write letters, cards and postcards, just because I like the time to contemplate on the person it's addressed to. Our eldest son Aries loves to write letters and notes, especially after his class' weekly spelling test on Fridays. I like to think he takes after me.

As I no longer work I tend to forget the day and date. A few times during recovery I would cry when I forgot where I left something. Our toddler son Tauren keeps me quite busy so when a thought pops in it needs to be written down ASAP or I'd go nuts trying to remember something. When I forget my notebook I sometimes write lists on my calendar, back of receipts, shopping catalogues, library slips, old business cards, paper napkins, paper tissues, and once on toilet paper. I never write lists on my hands as I'm always washing them, thanks to watching my younger brother's OCD.

There is also Leo, my partner. As much as I love him, his procrastination kills me! There are only so many ways you can ask/remind/tolerate someone before the imaginary daggers come out. I've always been a do-er, motivated and organised. These attributes lead to efficiency, calm and self-satisfaction. Sadly, I am no longer most of these thanks in part to Leo and 'compromise'. I hate that word. Sounds like another list in the making, Words I Hate.

Leo's father was a painter, farmer and much loved member of our family. The painting above was part of his collection. I have always enjoyed still life florals and this is one of my favourite.


  1. Thanks for stopping by again. I just read this post and can relate in so many ways. 2008 was also a bad year for me. The stress of everything and my perfectionistic/ocd ways sent me for a loop...and I ended up in a downward spiral, which eventually turned into one of the worst & best things that ever happened to me.

    I SOOOO need to make a photo album of our little guy too and update his baby book. I spend more time "thinking" about doing it then actually "doing" it...so TODAY, I plan on writing just a little in his baby book. I think I'll feel better then. Baby steps...(that is), for ME! haha...

    Have a good week, Luna!
    Heidi (hi-d)

    p.s. Yikes...sorry for deleting a couple comments, but I couldn't take the grammatical errors. haha... :)

    1. Lol, I know the feeling because I spend waaaaaay too much time editing my posts.


I wish you a beautiful day just for leaving me a comment. I hope to visit your blog soon.